Horsetail Fall

Horsetail Fall is located in Yosemite National Park. In February, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as the Natural Firefall may occur. I say “may” occur because it takes several factors to come together to trigger the Firefall. If conditions are not perfect, the glow will not happen. If everything comes together and conditions are just right, the Firefall at Horsetail Fall will light up for a very short period of time just as the sun sets. To see Horsetail Fall glowing is a very special experience.
Many people remember seeing the “man-made” Firefall at Glacier Point. There are so many stories about this “man-made” Firefall that started around 1874 and ended in 1968. I remember hearing (not sure if it’s true) that this “man-made” Firefall at Glacier Point started because the Hotel owner at Glacier Point was having a party and no one came. The story goes that he was so upset, he kicked the bonfire that he started for his guests, over the cliff. The people in valley saw this “Firefall” and wanted to see it again, and so the the tradition continued…
We had been trying to make this image since we became aware of it. In 2008, we camped for a week capturing images throughout the park, winding up in the evenings at a spot trying to capture the Natural Firefall. For several days, each night was not to be for us to witness this event, so we packed up and left for home. I spent the following days watching the weather for Yosemite and decided to give it another chance. Unfortunately Kathy didn’t get to join me, and too bad. What a wonderful night it was!
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